Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Quotidian Project

For my Quotidian project I was inspired by the artist On Kawara who would create art with a specific date on a surface. At first I was baffled at how something so simplistic could be considered art but then it let me to consider how important the date and the time truly is to our society and to our generation today. Every single day our agendas are based around setting an alarm clock in the morning or writing the date at the top of our papers or preparing an assignment due on a certain date at a certain time. These things engulf us and if we didn't have clocks or a way to document history the world would be chaos! Therefore for my Quotidian project I would like to write the date and the time on 48 different surfaces every 3 days for the next 16 weeks and in the end create a time lapse over this span of where I wrote each thing.

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