Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Response to " Everybody is altered"

The Article called, "Everybody is Altered" was written to discuss the behind the camera alterations that are taken place to modify actors and actresses. This epidemic of altering the appearances of actors and actresses are becoming less of an art and more of a lifestyle that is becoming more influential and impacting the youth of todays society. Eating disorders and body image have been around and evident for years but todays day and age it is more apparent because the expectation of the world have been raised to unthinkable and almost impossible standards. Movies use special affects to an impressive level but now they are retouching a little zit or even a love handle on an actor and actress. This is starting to affect teens because they want more and more to look like these famous people which is disturbing because celebrities don't even look like this now-a-days. I think that everyone should except themselves for who they are and know that its about your acting ability not how beautiful and skinny you are.

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